12 Uses Of Silicon In Different Industries

12 Uses Of Silicon In Different Industries

Silicon is a chemical element found in the Earth's crust with an atomic number of 14. It is known by the symbol “Si”. Products like silica and silicates extracted from silicon are further used in manufacturing in various industries.Silicone is also made from silicon and oxygen. Silicone is used as a sealant for water tanks, in making kitchenware, and has many other applications.

But, what are the uses for silicon?

In this blog, we are going to see 12 uses of silicon in different industries.


1. Uses For Silicon In Construction Industry

Sand and clay are the common compounds found in silicon, used at numerous construction sites. Concrete and bricks are also made with the help of silicon, laying the foundation of strength for tall buildings of the world. When silicon and oxygen are mixed with reactive metals, silicate is formed which is used in making building stones.



2. Uses For Silicon In The Steel Industry

Apart from the well-known use of silicon in the tech industry, it is also used in the steel industry for making alloys like aluminum-silicon and iron-silicon. Alloys are the metal blends created to form a tougher end product with better strength. They are further used in machines and engines. Silicon-based alloys have the potential to remove oxidation from steel.


3. Uses For Silicon In The Solar Panels

We all know that silicon is widely used in the technology industry, right? Silicon has semiconductive properties and greater efficiency to generate energy from the sun, due to which its wafers are used in solar panels.




4. Uses Of Silicon In The Technology Industry

One of the most common uses of silicon is in making integrated circuits and circuit boards. Trichlorosilane, a high-purity silicon is heated to the point of thermal composition and then recrystallized for use. For manufacturing products like microchips, silicon is liquified and then poured into wafers for use.
Silicon quantum dots are used in optoelectronic devices, and fluorescent biomarkers and are used in detecting hazardous materials. They are non-toxic, metal-free indicators that do not cause any harm to the environment.


5. Uses Of Silicon In Lasers

Lasers have transformed the traditional method of working in almost every industry and the use of silicon in lasers has led to an increase in this number daily. Silicon carbide is used to develop silicon-based lasers. The highest output of a silicon-based laser is 100mW.




6. Uses Of Silicon In Personal Care

Some of the common uses for silicon in the personal care industry are in making hair conditioners and cosmetics. The oil developed from silicon acts as a lubricant for human skin when added to these hair conditioners and cosmetic products.





7. Uses Of Silicon In Waterproofing

Silicon waxes and greases are successfully used when the places are exposed to high temperatures. In addition to this, silicon compounds are used as seals, molding compounds, and for waterproofing purposes wherever necessary.


8. Uses Of Silicon As Quartz

Quartz, also known as silica, is an oxide of silicon found in nature in the form of quartz. It is a hard, crystalline material. This element uses silicon in the manufacturing of clocks.


9. Uses Of Silicon In Ceramics

Silica, a compound derived from silicon is used in making ceramics like whiteware ceramics. You must have observed the use of soda lime glass in window panes. They also consist of silicon compounds for better stability and strength. For making porcelain, Kaolinite, a type of silicate material is a major component.




10. Uses Of Silicon For Human Health

According to a recent study, the uses of silicon have been identified to have great beneficial value for humans in the growth and care of nails, hair, skin, and bones. Silicon is responsible for synthesizing collagen and elastin present in the human body.


11. Uses Of Silicon In Lubricants

There are common uses for silicon in making lubricants used in a wide range of industries. Silicon is used as seals in water tanks and hydraulic pipes as it offers great resistance to harmful materials and prevents them from entering these tanks and pipes.


12. Uses Of Silicon As Semiconductor For Safety

Silicon semiconductors are known for their resistance to high temperatures, which is why they are used to provide a good amount of electrical activity and prevent product breakdown.



In the above blog, we came to know about 12 different uses of silicon in different industries. Silicon is a naturally present element in the Earth’s crust in the form of crystals in a bluish-grey color. Compounds like silica, silicate, and silicone are derived from silicon by mixing hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. There are a wide variety of uses of the element silicon. When we talk about silicon uses in everyday life, one industry that comes to mind is personal care.
We’ll end this blog with 1 interesting fact. Did you know that silicon is 2nd most abundant element present in the Earth’s crust after oxygen? Well, it is true. It constitutes 27.7% of the Earth’s crust.


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top 10 uses of silicon?

The top 10 uses of silicon are in construction, personal care, technology, steel, lasers, medicine, lubricants, making of silicone, making of silica, and solar panels.


What are the everyday uses of silicon ?

We use silicone, a compound derived from silicon in our everyday life in the form of kitchenware, headlamps, shock absorbers, ignition cables, and more.


Is silicon harmful to humans?

No, silicon is not harmful to humans. It helps synthesize collagen and elastin present in the human body. It also helps in strengthening tissues, bones, and joints.

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